French Translations

French translation services assist companies in obtaining appropriate content for French speakers. Focus on quality and a culturally relevant message for the success of your French documents and files.


Work with a translation company that has the experience, technology, and a team of professional French translators who have subject matter expertise in your company’s industry and domain.

Establish and share your target audience with your translation partner to ensure the effectiveness of the translation. Since there are differences, select your target audience for European French, Canadian French, or French for Africa since this will help determine the team selected for your project. It is essential to localize your French content appropriately.

French Translation Services Image

Knowing your French Target Audience – Canadian or European French

A linguistic tree is a complex element in communication. Languages may share trunks of origin while branching out to other sides, or they may share the same branch entirely. And yet, just because the same language is spoken in two places does not mean that it is, in fact, the same language. Take, for example, …

Knowing your French Target Audience – Canadian or European French Read More »

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