Phone Interpretation Services
Quick, Cost-effective Phone Interpreting Services
JR Language offers over-the-phone interpretation services as a cost-effective and convenient alternative to on-site interpreting services. Also requested as phone translation or OPI (Over-the-Phone Interpretation) by clients, we are ready to help individuals and organizations.
Over-the-phone interpretation is a solution where language support is rendered over the phone. It is a variation of consecutive interpretation, which is especially useful if a professional interpreter is needed on demand or when there is no interpreter available to travel to a particular location.
Phone interpretation is a great aid in bridging the language gap in our fast-paced, budget-limited world. Phone interpretation services are easy to arrange and an economical solution without the need for special equipment, as you just dial to connect with the interpreter via regular phone. We have professionally trained phone interpreters ready to assist your multilingual needs with just a phone call.
Phone Interpreter Service available 24/7
Call our operator
You’ll need our operator’s phone number and your company’s pin number.
Tell us what you need
After providing your pin, let us know what language you need, and if you need to connect to another party
You will be connected to an interpreter of your requested language and can begin communication.
On occasions where interpreting services are needed without warning such as a sudden emergency, supporting a client with limited English proficiency on the fly, or offering support for a rare language, over-the-phone interpretation is a perfect solution to give language assistance quickly. Our telephone interpreters are ready and available 24/7 to provide professional language assistance anywhere, at any time!
Our language services company is equipped to deliver support and the language access that you need around the clock. You only pay for what you use, scheduled or on-demand services.
If you have an organization with a multilingual clientele and you do not know when you are going to need a professional interpreter your best option is to try phone interpreter services with an availability of 24 hours, seven days a week, all 365 days of the year.
Where is Phone interpreting useful?
Our client base utilizes the services of phone interpreters for a variety of industries, settings, and occasions including:
- Help desk centers
- Refugee relocation centers
- Legal consultations/Depositions
- Healthcare/Medical/Dental services
- Customer service multilingual support
- School districts
- Law enforcement
- International business
- Government agencies
- Insurance organization
An extensive list of languages available for phone interpreting
Acehnese | Finnish | Kunama | Russian |
Acholi | Flemish | Kurdish | Samoan |
Afar | Foochow (Fuzhou) | Kyrgyz | Sango |
Afghani | French (France) | Lao | Senthang |
Afrikaans | French (Canadian) | Latvian | Serbian |
Akan | French Creole | Lautu | Shanghainese |
Akateco | Fukienese | Lingala | Shona |
Albanian | Fulani | Lithuanian | Sichuan |
American Sign Language (ASL) | Fulde | Lorma | Sicilian |
Amharic | Fuzhou | Luganda | Sinhalese |
Anuak | Ga | Luo | Siyin |
Arabic | Garre | Maay-Maay | Slovak |
Armenian | Georgian | Macedonian | Slovene |
Ashanti | German | Malay | Somali |
Assyrian | Greek | Malayalam | Somali Bantu |
Azeri | Guarani | Mam | Soninke |
Bahasa (Malaysian) | Gujarati | Mandinka | Soranî (Kurdish) |
Bambara | Hainanese | Mara | Sousou |
Bashkir | Haitian Creole | Marathi | Spanish |
Basque | Hakka (Chinese) | Marshallese | Swahili |
Bassa | Harar | Matu | Swedish |
Belarusian | Hassaniya | Mbay | Sylheti |
Bengali | Hausa | Mende | Tagalog (Filipino) |
Bosnian | Hebrew | Mien | Taiwanese |
Bulgarian | Hindi | Mina | Tajik |
Burmese | Hmong | Mixteco | Tamil |
Cambodian | Hokkien | Moldovan | Tarahumara |
Cape Verde Creole | Hungarian | Mongolian | Telugu |
Carolinian | Icelandic | Montenegrin | Temne |
Catalan | Igbo | More | Teochew |
Cebuano | Ilocano | Mushunguli | Thai |
Chaldean | Ilonggo | Navajo | Tibetan |
Chamorro | Indonesian | Nepali | Tigrinya |
Chao-Chow | Italian | Norwegian | Toisanese |
Cherokee | Japanese | Nuer | Tongan |
Chin | Jarai | Oromifa | Tosk |
Chinese Cantonese | K’iche’ | Pashto | Trukese/Chuukese |
Chinese Mandarin | Kannada | Patois (Jamaican) | Turkish |
Choujo | Karen | Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) | Twi |
Chuj | Karenni (Kayah) | Pidgin (Cameroonian) | Ukrainian |
Chuukese | Kazakh | Pidgin (Nigerian) | Urdu |
Cotocoli (Tem) | Khmer | Polish | Uzbek |
Croatian | Kikongo | Ponapean/Pohnpeian | Vietnamese |
Czech | Kikuyu | Portuguese (Brazilian) | Visayan |
Danish | Kinyamulenge | Portuguese (European) | Wolof |
Dari | Kinyarwanda | Portuguese Creole | Xhosa |
Dinka | Kirundi | Pulaar | Yapese |
Dioula | Kissi | Punjabi | Yiddish |
Dutch | Kizigua (Kizigula) | Q’eqchi’ | Yoruba |
Edo | Korean | Q’anjob’al | Yup’ik |
Estonian | Kosraean | Quechua | Zapotec |
Ewe | Krahn | Rohingya | Zulu |
Farsi | Krio | Romanian |
Customized Phone Interpretation Services
How to create a Phone Interpreting account?
Dedicated Medical Phone Interpreters
- HIPAA training, testing, and certification every year
- Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse prevention certification every year
- Complete medical interpreter testing and credentialing process
Security compliance - our OPI Service:
- Is compliant with HIPAA, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and DNV Healthcare standards
- Has certification for PCI compliance
- Meets Joint Commission Standards
- Has Safe Harbor certification
Other Language Interpretation services
Learn More about Over the phone interpretation
For more information about Telephone Interpretation Services,
call us today at 866-389-5036
or send us an e-mail to