Victoria Wildow

Since 2018, Victoria Wildow has put her problem-solving, technology-centered mind to use in her roles as a Translation Project Manager, Typesetter, and now Marketing Associate at JR Language. She is a graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Media Arts and Technology program. Victoria helps ensure our clients' various designs maintain the same look and feel in their new languages while also managing projects in various media. She loves learning about new technologies and is currently developing websites in her free time.

French Translation Services Image

Knowing your French Target Audience – Canadian or European French

A linguistic tree is a complex element in communication. Languages may share trunks of origin while branching out to other sides, or they may share the same branch entirely. And yet, just because the same language is spoken in two places does not mean that it is, in fact, the same language. Take, for example, …

Knowing your French Target Audience – Canadian or European French Read More »

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